“Se convirtió en
gota de mar para que ella
Fue una lágrima
..luego una gota agua salada en la inmensidad del mar”
Cuentan los Antiguos
que hace mucho , mucho tiempo, existió una
hermosa mujer de hielo que
al derretirse se
transformó en …
Afilia, se enamoró locamente de un hijo del Dios
del cielo "Orión".Los Dioses y los mortales mantenían una seria disputa, fue
así como el tratado
de paz implícito, se levantó ante inusual agravio …
"Tales are not sleeping children, is to awaken the great"
There is no truth more certain, that the best way to handle our demons is fantasy. Through Humor, images, music ... is sought to the senses.
We all have a child within us handle reality and fantasy is a way to do emerge.
In these short lines is not the typical children's story through the characters of angels and demons we all have, in real and current situations as neo killed and discrimination are handled.
It's a tale for young children, based on the story of Sant Jordi and as due and facing his demons, the Knight who fought against the Dragons, their evolution and involution throughout history. An unusual story where there are no differences Gender, age, color or social position. With fantastic players in real conflicts.
I hope you fall in love with this story and enjoy it, as it was for me to write.
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